Monday, April 17, 2017

Tips For Moving With Pets

After months of searching for the perfect pet-friendly place, you have finally found the one. Going down the list, you have already filled out the application, paid both deposits and now you can start planning a smooth transition for you and your furry friend. Moving is no easy task and sure to cause stress, but in the midst of chaos between changing work schedules, hiring a moving company, packing boxes, you may not realize how stressful this move can also be for your pets. With a change in surroundings, try to imagine their anxiety increasing, especially when their routine will be affected instantly. Here are some helpful tips to make the transition as smooth as possible:

Create Dialogue

Talk to them! For any pet-owner this does not sound out of the ordinary, your feline or canine is use to your voice and most importantly your attention. Speaking about plans, whether they can completely understand or not, will make them feel included. As intuitive as pets are, they pick up on your stress and definitely notice the change in your demeanor, mood, or stress levels. A calm tone will help reassure them that all is well and there is nothing to fear.

Pet Proof

As your closest companion, you know your pet’s habits good and bad all too well. Do a walk-thru in your new place. Tuck away hanging electrical cords or wires, remove chemicals or cleaning supplies, secure window screens, keep trash covered, cabinets latched and confirm no pest-control traps have been left in plain sight. A good rule to live by for pets: If they see it, they’ll probably play with it.

Set Accommodations

Depending on the distance of your move, you may want to schedule an appointment at the veterinary clinic for a check up, stay or have a close friend or relative watch your pet during the move. This alleviates the need to have them caged or roaming around getting into trash or unknown territory that hasn’t been proofed yet.

Maintain Normal Schedule

Similar to children, pets like routine. If you can stick to their normal day as much as possible, you’ll find that they will adjust quickly and feel more secure in their new surroundings. Playtime or time of walks may vary, but try your best to keep their food schedule the same.

Comfort Matters

Your pet craves normalcy and familiar things. Make sure to collect items they love and locate in places easily accessible. Favorite toys, blankets, or beds will have smells they’re use to and will give them comfort in a place that is all too new to understand.

Be Home

While keeping their routine the same, make sure to allow time to be at home.You have a lot going on, and understandably so, a new home, new expenses and possibly a new job. Your presence at home can help them adapt and feel at home again. Spoiling your pet isn’t a bad idea either. With all the shuffle, they might feel neglected and unloved, causing them to act out and misbehave.

It will take time for both of you to adjust, but as long as you provide a little more attention to ensure comfortability for your furry friend, the rest will fall into place. For packing or unpacking services, call reputable movers like the Foxx Moving Company in Katy. Proudly serving nearby communities for the past 30 years, Foxx Movers can provide all the services you’ll need to help get settled in.
